The pacemaker clinic at CVMG follows nearly 4000 patients. Ongoing monitoring is an essential part of the care of patients with a pacemaker or a defibrillator.
Technicians evaluate and monitor the function of devices implanted in people who have difficulty with their heart rhythms. Pacemakers are implanted to help the heart beat at a rate that is best for the patient. Defibrillators are implanted in patients who experience heart rhythms that are too fast and potentially fatal. These devices can detect such rhythms and treat them with a shock or other appropriate therapies.
Dr. Eli Gang and Dr. Charles Swerdlow are our two electrophysiologists who implant and follow patients with pacemakers and defibrillators. Trained technicians in the pacemaker clinic work directly with these physicians during the periodic monitoring of patients with these devices. Monitoring can be done by phone, by computer modem, or in person, with a visit to the office. Technicians perform tests to evaluate whether the devices are functioning properly, and are also able to determine how much life is left in the battery of each device. In addition, these devices can record samples of the patient's heart rhythm. In the office, technicians can print out this information and collaboratively devise a plan of care with the doctor and the patient in order to optimize the patient's health and well-being.

Pacemaker Monitoring
Cardiovascular Medical Group provides Pacemaker Implantation and Monitoring services. Why would a patient need a Pacemaker? Slow heartbeat Irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia) Block in heart’s electrical pathway What is a Pacemaker? A pacemaker is a small,...

Arrhythmia Evaluation
Cardiovascular Medical Group can help you determine if you have arrhythmia. What is Arrhythmia? Arrhythmia is an abnormal rhythm of the heart. It may feel like a temporary pause so brief that it doesn’t change the...

Defibrillator Monitoring
Cardiovascular Medical Group provides defibrillator implantation and monitoring. Cardiac Defibrillation Is a way of returning an abnormally fast or disorganized heartbeat to normal with a very brief electric shock. Implantable Defibrillator An implantable defibrillator is...